The Top 100 Songs of 1963

Chartcrush’s Top100 songs based on data from Billboard magazine’s weekly Hot100 charts

wdt_ID Rank Artist - Title Peak Wks@Pk Weeks Wks10
1 1 Jimmy Gilmer & Fireballs - Sugar Shack 1 5 15 10
2 2 Chiffons - He's So Fine 1 4 15 9
3 3 Singing Nun - Dominique 1 4 13 9
4 4 Bobby Vinton - Blue Velvet 1 3 15 8
5 5 Paul & Paula - Hey Paula 1 3 15 9
6 6 Angels - My Boyfriend's Back 1 3 14 9
7 7 Stevie Wonder - Fingertips - Pt 2 1 3 15 7
8 8 Kyu Sakamoto - Sukiyaki 1 3 14 8
9 9 Steve Lawrence - Go Away Little Girl 1 2 17 9
10 10 Little Peggy March - I Will Follow Him 1 3 14 8


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